Monday, August 06, 2007

Oops! Correction to BDTC 1.08

Dear friends,
        Well, the best-laid plans... Alas, there is a small but fatal flaw in the new release of Believer's Desktop Companion 2007. But it is easily fixed.
        The problem has to do with the daily prayer module. If the user selects "Always load this book" or "Always launch this book" for the daily prayer module, the system will never load properly again. This is due to a technical parameter that needs to be corrected. Just download and install this module:

and the problem will go away. This correction is also present in the complete system installation package:

No other features are affected.
         Thank you for your continuing interest in Believer's Desktop Companion 2007! Remember, Believer's Desktop Companion 2007 (BDTC) is free; please redistribute it freely. BDTC and I are here to serve the Kingdom in the BDTC user community. Making your needs and desires
known will help me to serve you in this calling better. I invite your responses.


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